Unique Investments is an investment consultant offering advice on asset allocation, manager selection, and portfolio monitoring.

Unique is an independent company that has no ties to any financial institution, including banks, brokerage houses, and mutual funds.

Our business philosophy is anchored on four principles:

  • Create portfolios that have a relatively high return, adjusted for the risk that is appropriate for each investor, using the best managers in each asset class at their lowest cost
  • Educate the investor about important investment management aspects, so that he can gradually become more comfortable in accepting higher levels of risk and consequently obtain higher returns, if his investment objectives allow
  • Be absolutely transparent and ethical with the investor.

  • Charge a fair and competitive price for the service, using a compensation structure that aligns the interests of Unique with that of the investor
If you want to know more about Unique Investments, please send an email to info@uniqueinvestments.com.br with your contact data.